Recovery Idaho believes that recovery is possible for anyone, anywhere, and we recognize that there are a number of different ways to achieve long lasting and fulfilling recovery. Here you can find resources for organizations near you that offer different pathways for recovery. These include 12-step and other mutual help support pathways, faith-based options, and non-traditional options.use faith based modalities, as well as non faith based organizations.
Find a meeting near you, throughout Idaho. Lists all types and specializations of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
Link contains information for AA meetings and events primarily in Southern and Southeastern Idaho.
Boise, ID > Words of Freedom (addiction recovery)
If outside the Boise area, Google Calvary Chapel to find one near you.
SMART Recovery meetings are free self-empowering mutual support group meetings focused on addictive behaviors, organized and facilitated by trained volunteers.
Recovery Yoga Meetings® help people beat addiction and thrive in recovery by integrating recovery and yoga into a group activity. Using breath and movement, participants embody the principles of recovery, build resilience, and learn how to find peace in the present moment.
Ride for Joy offers Equine assisted activities, currently serving children, youth with special needs, and veterans with stress related conditions.
Recovery Yoga Meetings® help people beat addiction and thrive in recovery by integrating recovery and yoga into a group activity. Using breath and movement, participants embody the principles of recovery, build resilience, and learn how to find peace in the present moment.